Name of the scheme: Artists Pension Scheme and Welfare Fund
Purpose: The main purpose of this scheme is to provide financial assistance to artistes, writers etc. those who are eligible of benefits under this scheme.
- To be eligible for assistance under the Scheme, a person’s contribution to art and letters, etc must be of significance. Traditional scholars who have made significant contribution in their fields would also be eligible notwithstanding the absence of any published works.
- Income criteria- Personal income of the applicant (including income of the spouse) must not exceed Rs. 4,000/- per month.
- Age criteria– The applicant should not be less than 60 years of age (This does not apply in the case of dependents). The artist who are below the age of 40 years and want to claim the Artist Pension in future should immediately register themselves under the Atal Pension Scheme. However, from the year 2035 onwards, no new artist will be entertained by the ministry of Culture under this scheme because the applicants will be covered under Atal Pension Yojna.
- For in-between period the artists who are awardees (State Awardees or National Awardees) and who can substantially prove their source of earning from the art activity during their active age will be eligible to apply. Such applicants should be recommended by the State Government and physically inspected by one of the organizations of Ministry of Culture before bringing it to the Expert Committee.
Nature of assistance:
- Assistance from the Government may be in the form of monthly allowance.
- States/UT will contribute Rs. 500 per month per beneficiary.
- The monthly allowance contributed by the Central Government in such cases shall not exceed Rs. 3,500/- per month per beneficiary.
In case of death:
On the death of a recipient, the said financial assistance may be continued at the discretion of the Central Government after examining the financial condition of the dependants.
The mode of payment, in case of death of the recipient, of financial assistance will be as under:
- For spouse: Till life
- For dependants: Till marriage or employment or up to the age of 21 years, whichever is earlier.
For more information contact-
- Section Officer, 210, IInd, ‘D’Block, Puratatva Bhawan, G.P.O. Complex, I.N.A. NewDelhi-110023. Ph: (011)-24642165
- Ms. Jasmeet Kochhar, Manager (P & GS), Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC), 6th & 7th Floor, Jeevan Parkash, 25, Kasturba Gandhi Marg, New Delhi- 110001.
- Contact Numbers for Enquiries: 23708275, 23705953
- Fax No. 23350832
- E –mail: [email protected]
Purpose of Welfare Fund Scheme: The Purpose of this fund shall be to provide financial help to the artists who are getting financial assistance under this Scheme and after death of the Artist, his/her dependents.
- The Artists who are getting financial assistance under this Scheme and after death of the Artist, dependent on the artist.
- On the death of the artist, the mode of financial assistance to dependent family members will be as under :
- Spouse – After the death of the artist, financial assistance, in case of necessity, will first be granted to the spouse of the Artist.
- For dependents – Till marriage or employment or upto the age of 21 years, whichever is earlier.
Click here for more details
Please intimate the expert committee meeting and pension status artist so kindly intimate Sir please
कलाकार लोगोंके लिये पेन्शनकी जो योजनायें सरकार बनाया, यह और कुछ नहीं बल्कि जनताके आँखमें धुल डालनेंकी बराबर है.जैसे अपना उदाहरन दे रहा हुँ.
मै जन्मगत रुपसे एक दिव्यांग होनेके बाबजुद जिन्देगीभर एक संस्थामें कााम करने के बाद 60 साल उम्रमें सेवानिबृतके बाद भविष्यनिधिसे कुछ रकम तथा ग्रेचुईटिका कुछ रकम मिला. लेकिन कोई पेन्शन नहीं.
नौकरी करनेके साथ साथ अवसर समय पर संगीतकी चर्चा करते गयें, तथा बिनाकोई पैसा लेते हुये आमलोगोंको आनन्द देते गये. नतीजा जनप्रिय कलाकार बना तथा सौ से अधिक रेक्रर्ड भी निकला. इससे जो भी थोड़ा रकम आमदानि होता है, उसे समाजसेवाके लिये दान करते है. इतना दिनों तक सब ठिकठाक चलता था. लेकिन भारत सरकार मासिक आय योजना का ब्याज 12 प्रतिशत से घटाते घटाते 7 प्रतिशत कर दिया, सुननेमें आ रहा है कि 4 प्रतिशत कर देगा. इस हालत में या तो पेन्शन देना चाहिये, नहीं तो ब्याजदर बड़ाना चाहिये.
आपलोंग नही मालुम करने पा रहे है,हम जैसे कलाकारोंके मनमें कितना असन्तोष पेदा हो रहा है. एक बात कृपया मालुम करें आमलोंग हमजैसे कलाकारोंके इशारे पर चलते है. अगर जनतामें असन्तोष पैदा हो जाये, तो कोई भी सरकारको सत्तामें रहना मुश्किल हो जाता है, चुनावके माध्यमसे उसे हटा देता है. अतः जनताके आँखमें कृपया धुल न डालें
इतना दिन मुझें मासिक आय योजनासे किसी तरह चलता था. लेकिन ब्याजदर घट जानेके कारन मासिक आय नोकरीकालिन आयका एकतिहाई हो गया. पेन्शन मिलता तो मासिक आय नोकरीकालिन आयका आधा होता.
12 प्रतिशत करने पर मासिक आय भी यही होता है. क्या आपलोग इसके वारेमें कभी सोचा. जो एक तरफ अच्छे कर्मचारी, दुसरे तरफ एक अच्छे कलाकार बनकर आमलोगोंकों निःशुल्क आनन्द प्रदान किया. 60 साल उम्र होनेके बाद क्यों उनलोगोंको क्षतिपुर्ति रुपमें पेन्शन नहीं देनेके लिये कोई प्रावधान बनाया?
Good evening…..
Kindly I forwarded a letter to our Honourable Prime minister of India Aadharaneeya Narendra Modiji in his office regarding a pension. Reg. No. is PMOPG/D/2017/0343819 dated:20/05/2017. I have a letter which state that a screening committee shall take decision on my application. Unfortunately no reply has yet.
How to fill of this form plz tell me and kannada culture department has not support to our artistes this is humble request.for me n kannada culture department says this is not our duty n no one order to me plz order the department.
how to renewal the pension!!! please tell me the process of renewal..