- Kala Academy
An institution to be called “Kala Academy Goa” registered under society registration Act 1860, shall be established.
- The grant-in-Aid to kala Academy will be as per the provision made for that financial year.
- The Grant is recurring Grant and will be utilized for the purpose it has been sanctioned.
- No Grant is allowed to be paid to any institution/voluntary organization out of these Grants.
- The Grantee shall submit an Audited statement of accounts by a registered charted accountant within a period of six months from the close of financial year.
- The Grantee shall not increase the man power, without approval of the Govt. which may increase its liability on establishment charges.
- In case of mis-utilization of grants, release of further grant shall be stopped & mis-utilized amount shall be recovered from the grantee institution and individual responsible with 5% penal interest.
- The amount remaining unspent shall be adjusted in the Grant of next year in-case it has not been surrendered.
The Kala Academy Goa shall be entitled to Govt. grants, towards payments of salaries, allowances, pension, retirement, benefits, expenditure on academic activities, programme & cultural activities, maintenance expenditure on complex & equipment, establishment expenditure, procurement of furniture, equipment & materials , expenditure on construction, expansion, up gradation & upgradation of complex, and other expenditure as may be required from time to time to fulfill the aims & objectives of the academy on the basis of 100% estimated expenditure, less estimated receipts, approved by the Govt. The academy will be allowed to retain unspent balance if any to carry forward to the next financial year. The Govt. will consider unspent balance of previous year while sanctioning subsequent grants. The academy shall utilize the grants for the purpose for which it is sanctioned in accordance with the scheme regulating the grants. The assets if any d out of grant in aid will be subject to conditions governing the Grant in aid.
- Rajiv Gandhi Kala Mandir
An Institution to be called “Rajiv Gandhi Kala Mandir” shall be established
- The grant in aid to Rajiv Gandhi Kala Mandir shall be as per the provision made for that financial year towards various administrative expenses.
- The grant is recurring grant and will be utilized for the purpose it has been sanctioned.
- No grant is allowed to be paid to any institution/voluntary organization out of these Grants.
- The grantee shall submit an audited statement of accounts by a registered chartered accountant within a period of six months from the close of financial year.
- The grants shall not increase the manpower, without approval of the government. Which may increase its liability on establishment charges.
- The grantee must exercise reasonable economy and observe financial propriety while incurring the expenditure. The grantee shall conduct its business in conformity with rules applicable to Govt. of Goa and as already provided in the Bye-Laws/Articles of Association.
- In case of mis-utilisation of grants, release of further grants shall be stopped and mis-utilised amount shall be recovered from the grantee institution and individual responsible with 5% penal interest.
- The amount remaining unspent shall be adjusted in the grant of next year in case it has not been surrendered.
The institution shall be entitled to Government Grants on the basis of 100% estimated expenditure approved by the Govt. The institution will be allowed to retain unspent balance if any to carry forward to the next financial year. The Govt. will consider unspent balance of previous year while sanctioning subsequent grants. The institution shall utilize the grant for the purpose for which it is sanctioned in accordance to the scheme regulating the grants. The assets if any d out of grant- in- aid will be subject to conditions governing the grant-in-aid.
- Menezes Braganza Institute:
Institute Menezes Braganza a prestigious cultural, literary Institute of long standing repute in Goa catering to the needs of socio-cultural needs of the Society. Formally known as Institute Vasco-da-Gama was founded on 24th November 1871, after Goa’s Liberation changed its name from Vasco da Gama to Institute Menezes Braganza in 1963.
- The grant-in-aid to Institute Menezes Braganza shall be as per the provision made for that financial year towards various Administrative expenses.
- The grant is recurring grant and will be utilized for the purpose it has been sanctioned.
- No grant is allowed to be paid to any institution/voluntary organization out of these grants.
- The grantee shall submit an audited statement of accounts by a registered chartered accountant within a period of six months from the close of financial year.
- Non submission of utilization certificate or audited statement within stipulated period or violation of terms and conditions stipulated herein would act as disqualification for getting subsequent grant from Government.
- The grantee shall not increase the manpower, without approval of the Govt. which may increase its liability on establishment charges.
- The grantee must exercise reasonable economy and observe financial propriety while incurring the expenditure. The grantee shall conduct its business in conformity with rules applicable to Govt. of Goa and as already provided in the Bye-Laws/Article of Association.
- The grantee shall present to the Directorate of Art & Culture, Govt. of Goa an annual Achievement – cum – performance Report within a period of 3 months from the close of financial year.
- The grantee institution and its records shall be open to inspection by Director of Art & Culture or its nominee at any point of time.
- In case of mis-utilisation of grants, release of further grant shall be stopped and mis-utilised amount shall be recovered from the grantee institution and individual responsible with 5% penal interest.
- The amount remaining unspent shall be adjusted in the grant of next year incase it has not been surrendered.
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