The Government of Tamil Nadu launched micro/small enterprises funding scheme for the development of micro/small enterprises with the overall project outlay of Rs 50 lakhs. The scheme aims
- Aims to provide financial assessment to the micro/small enterprises.
- Aims to increase the production capacity.
- Aims to aid in modernization, technological upgradation of these micro/small enterprises.
- The small/micro enterprises should be located in business potential places and has good scope for business.
- The promoter’s contribution should be at least 20% of the project cost.
- Enterprises get enough time (6 years) to return the money.
- 75% project cost provided by the government under this scheme.
- Receives loan at low interest rate.
How to Avail:
People can contact:
The Tamil Nadu Industrial Investment Corporation Limited, 692,Anna Salai,Nandanam,Chennai-600035,Tamil Nadu,India.
Contact No-+91-044-24306100/+91-044-24331203.
For further details click here