Animal and Husbandry Department, Punjab Govt. has introduced the Livestock Breeding Policy to promote breeding and development of livestock especially in Cattle and Buffaloes in the State as under.
- To undertake systematic improvement of dairy cattle and buffaloes.
- To undertake systematic bull production and evaluation program so as to improve the productivity of dairy cows and buffaloes.
- To regulate the use of bulls/semen to improve productivity and to check transmission of diseases.
- To motivate the farmers to rear high yielding animals and participate in breed improvement program.
- Conservation and improvement of Nili Ravi buffalo and Sahiwal cattle breeds.
Main Highlights of the Policy:
- The registration of all the bulls (as per the livestock Improvement Act, 1953) to be used in the state by any organization/individuals will be mandatory.
- Institutional farms may produce pure bred exotic for bull production.
- The cows in the sub mountainous Kandi and region having limited fodder resources will be improved by using Jersey.
- The Murrah buffaloes will be bred with Murrah bulls only.
- The Nili Ravi buffaloes will be bred with Nili Ravi bulls only.
- After registration in the directory, the owner of elite animal will be given a certificate with detailed particulars of the animal.
- Bull calves produced from elite animals will be purchased on approved rates depending upon the age of calf, milk yield of dam, sire index and other breed characteristics.
- Adequate infrastructure of animal registration and data recording will be developed for effective implementation of progeny testing programme with the active participation of the farmers, their SHG’s and Cattle/Buffalo Breeders’ Association.
- Cattle/Buffalo Breeders’ Association will be adequately equipped to assist in the implementation of such programmes with the technical support of the Veterinary University/DAH.
- Incentives will be given to owners of the elite animals depending upon the level of production to check the exodus of such animals from the state.
- Some incentive/honorarium shall also be given to Veterinary staff or the identification, registration and recording the elite animals and procurement of bull calves from the farmers.
For More Information: Click Here
is their any scheme to set up a new dairy farm from govt . to provide loan and guidelines