Ministry of DONER (Development of NE Region) plans scheme of Capacity Building and Technical Assistance aims to provide funding for skill development, enhancing employability and promoting entrepreneurship amongst the youth in the region.
Target Groups:
- Youth from the North East Region residing within or outside the region.
- Special focus on girls, women, disabled persons and youth from BPL background or remote areas.
- Focus on dropouts or who have discontinued education after secondary level.
- Mid level officers at the critical implementation level of the state government.
- State PSUs and autonomous organizations of the state government.
Norms of Funding:
The extent of funding of the eligible project will be decided on the merits of the proposals and upto a maximum of 100%. Ministry of DONER can spend upto 0.5 % of the annual allocation for administrative expenses.
The eligible proposal should have following objectives;
- Provide employable skills to the youth of the region.
- Providing them skills of entrepreneurship.
- Organize job fairs that specifically involve the youth from region.
- Provide technical assistance for development of human resources and capacity building.
For More Information: Click Here
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