Delhi SC/ST/OBC/Min & Handicapped Finance and Development Corporation imparts Vocational Training to the persons belonging to the Target Groups like SC/ST/OBC/Minority and Economically Weaker Section of Society (General Category) to develop their skills and knowledge in various job oriented courses.
- To make them self reliant for employment.
- To develop their skills and knowledge.
The Courses are offered by the Apparel Textile Design Centre (ATDC) and through NSIC in collaboration with different National Apex Corporations like NSFDC and NBCFDC.
- The applicant should be a resident of Delhi.
- The applicant’s age should be between 18-40 years.
- The family income of the applicant should not exceed Rs.1,00,000.
- The candidate must have the SC/ST/OBC Certificate issued by SDM of the area concerned.
Stipend of Rs. 10,000 P.M. is paid to the trainees for the entire duration of training who have the minimum attendance i.e. 90% P.M.
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