- Part of the plan will be a `4 crore project under the National Rural Drinking Water Programme, and 16 other water supply projects totalling `1.4 crore.
- Among Mahajan’s first priorities was lavatories for those who did not have it.
- In the last four months, 30 households have built lavatories and been paid `12,000 each for it under the Swachh Bharat Mission.
- By the end of the month, another 50 households will also have lavatories. Vinod Wagat, who rides an autorickshaw, dipped into his savings and built a concrete toilet with an asbestos top after he came to know of this scheme.
- There are plans to set up a 20-computer lab and train students under Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan in the school.
- Also on the anvil are encouraging farmers to think beyond the paddy crop, the mainstay of the region, and to practice organic farming, and also train the unemployed youth of the region to stitch the uniforms of the 900 school students in the village, providing them a source of income.
- A lot of companies have written to her about their interest in projects in Charoti.
Mam,is there any other facilities are provided to the people beside infrastructure in charoti village,like jobs for unemployment is there any top companies or industries where the people can work for there liviehood because many people are illterate,in charoti village. And the people who are educated they are unemployed. The reason is development.
Hi Kavitha,
Thank you for your comment. Please continue to visit this site for regular updates. We will post any employment opportunities, new schemes or policies that come up through government.
The Indian Iris