The Ministry of Rural Development has issued this scheme for Watershed Projects. We know many times rain water and other water resources get wasted without its proper use. Therefore Haiyali sceme is initiated to make proper use of this resources in rural areas. To make livelihood better and to promote irrigation, fishiculture and other farming activities.
- Harvesting every drop of rainwater for purposes of irrigation, plantations including horticulture and floriculture, pasture development, fisheries etc.
- Overall development of rural areas through the Gram Panchayats and creating regular sources of income for the Panchayats from rainwater harvesting and management.
- Employment generation, poverty alleviation, community empowerment and development of human and other economic resources of the rural areas.
- Mitigating the adverse effects of extreme climatic conditions such as drought and desertification on crops, human and livestock population for the overall improvement of rural areas.
- Restoring ecological balance by harnessing, conserving and developing natural resources i.e. land, water, vegetative cover especially plantations.
- Encouraging village community towards sustained community action for the operation.
- Promoting use of simple, easy and affordable technological solutions and institutional arrangements.
- All states in India
Criteria for selection of watershed projects-
- Watershed areas having acute shortage of drinking water.
- Watersheds having large population of scheduled castes/scheduled tribes dependent on it.
- Watershed having a preponderance of non-forest wastelands/degraded lands.
- The Central Government will provide funds to concerned department for sanction of project.
- The funding pattern will be Rs.6000 per hectare.
- Fisheries Development in village ponds/tanks, farm ponds etc.
- Afforestation including block plantations, agro-forestry and horticultural development, shelterbelt plantations, sand dune stabilization etc.
- Promotion and propagation of non-conventional energy saving devices, energy conservation measures, bio fuel plantations etc.
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