Department of Scheduled Caste and Backward Class Welfare under Haryana Government has come up with a new scheme for providing legal aid to the member of Scheduled Caste and Liberated Caste for defending and instituting various types of court cases. This is a 50:50 sharing basis scheme of the Central Government and State Government. The cases may be of following types:
- Criminal cases instituted on Private complaints including security proceeding.
- Cases of ejectment from land and other immovable property.
- Cases of recovery of rent by Landlords.
- Cases pertaining to deposit of rent with a Revenue Officer when a landlord refuses to receive or grant a receipt for any rent payable in money when tendered to him or when there is a doubt as to the person entitled to receive rent payable in money.
- Cases pertaining to correction of Khasra Girdawaries by Land Lords.
- Cases involving a claim to right of way of usage.
- Cases involving forcible removal of dung heaps.
- Cases involving a claim for compensation for harassment caused on account of observance of untouchability denial of drinking water or denial of entry into Temple or hostel etc.
- Cases involving share of seri, sanjees or seepiders in the agriculture produce.
- Cases involving a claim for damages under Law of Torts instituted by the husbands or parents or women or girls abducted or enticed away.
- Cases involving reservation in services either filed by the Scheduled Castes/Vimukatjatis/Tapriwas Employees in the court.
- Grant Aid up to Rs. 2500 will be given by the District Welfare Officer to the applicant for fee of an advocate.
- In case of an advocate fee above Rs. 2500, Deputy Commissioner/SDM will sanction the aid as per the rates.
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