For the development of scheduled caste and scheduled tribes the government of Madhya Pradesh started the Education and Training programs for scheduled caste and scheduled tribes. It is one of education scheme of the scheduled caste and scheduled tribes welfare department.
- To provide them all facilities for all round development
- Training program for the student who are studying from the class ix to xii
- Scholarship for the merit SC/ST student
- SC/ST student and based on previous performance.
- They should be permanent residence of Madhya Pradesh
- It helps the SC/ST student in all round development like music, art etc
Contact Details:
Principal of the concerned school
District education officer DEEO Office Model high road Jabalpur Phone no-0761-2625679
Deputy Commissioner, Tribal Development, Room No. 82, Jabalpur Collectorate, Jabalpur.
Ph.No.- 0761-2625543
For More Details: Click here