Department of Ex-Servicemen Welfare, Govt of India has come up with a new scheme to provide financial assistance for purchase of tool kits of requisite trade by ESM to enable them start service industries such as repair shop for cycles, sewing/knitting machines, scooters, tractors and agricultural implements, tube well pumps, TV, radio, plumbing, carpentry etc
The objective of this grant is to provide financial assistance to start a second career.
The individual ESM holds the technical qualification to utilize the tool kits and has appropriate infrastructure to set up for self the proposed trade.
For Tool Kit out of AFFD Fund is provided @ Rs. 8,000/- per case (one time).
How to apply:
Application must be submitted by eligible ESM at concerned ZSB (Zila Senik Board). ZSWO (Zila Sainik Welfare Office) will scrutinize the application and if found correct in all respect, he will forward it to the KSB (Kendriya Sainik Board) Sectt for further processing.
For More Info: Click Here
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