Department of Biotechnology has initiated an envisage scheme that bridge the gap between laboratory or field reseach and its application to clinical and policy outcomes.This scheme aims to link basic,clinical and public health research.
To provide funding to those organisation that bridge the gap between laboratory research and its field application.
- All medical research institute
- Clinical set up organisation
- Educational and training institutes
- Financial Assistance to beneficiary organisation who implement research work to field work.
- Ph.D. programme in which focus is on disease biology, early translation, interdisciplinary research, or technology innovation.
- Joint participation in mutual education and training activities at post-graduate or Ph.D. level with focus on building science competency of medical background scholars and faculty, and disease orientation of basic scientists in areas of interest.
- Joint workshops, small science meetings, research priority development exercise in areas of mutual interest.
- Initiated collaborative research projects which are in progress.
How to apply:
- Applying for the Glue Grant involves two stages: In the first stage, DBT invites applicants to
submit a LOI (proposal description in given format)in hard copy as well as soft copy. - A panel ofexternal reviewers will evaluate the LOI and select the most promising proposals towards a full application. The shortlisted applicants will be invited to submit a detailed proposal as per specified format via DBT’s online application portal.
Contact Persons:
Sundeep Sarin
Department of Biotechnology,
Ministry of Science and Technology,
Block – 2(6th -8th Floor), CGO Complex,
Lodi Road
New Delhi – 110003
Telephone: 011-24362931
Email: [email protected]
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