25 Indian states have so far rolled out the Centre’s ambitious food law and soon the remaining states will also follow the suit. Currently, 11 crore house-holds (estimated 53 crore beneficiaries) have been allocated under the National Food Security Act (NFSA) and they get food grains at subsidized rate – rice-Rs.3/kg and wheat – Rs.2/kg.
The use of computers and related IT technology at the Ration shops have helped to catch 61.43 lakh bogus, ineligible or duplicate ration cards in two years. According to the government, it also helped in bringing down the diversion and misuse in PDS system by a hefty sum of Rs.4, 200 crore.
Tamil Nadu, Utter Pradesh and Kerala are among the 11 remaining states that have to rollout the program. The government is emphasizing on computerization of every ration shop run through PDS and government is assisting state governments for implementation. Currently, nine states including 2 union territories have been computerized.
Source: ET