- US Intelligence studies had predicted in 2009 that in the near future China would have a more profound impact on world geopolitical affairs than any other country.
- This has proven true and we are seeing an increasingly belligerent China, backed by an authoritarian regime, facing off with other countries in different parts of the world.
- China should play a dominant role in world affairs would be acceptable to others were it not for the overtly aggressive stance adopted by its leaders time and again in their involvement with other countries.
- The United States, although in decline, is still the most powerful country in the world. China, with its rise, is involved in a covert eyeball to eyeball confrontation with the United States in almost all areas of the geopolitical arena.
- Israel is one of the major players in the region and a long-standing US ally. Although in recent times it has been trying hard to gallop along with the galloping Chinese horse, strategic analysts are of the opinion that its relationship with China does not have a bright future. The main reason for this is that China does not want to ignore strategic and economic investments in the Middle East.
- Japan has had a historic military, economic, and cultural rivalry with China. The two countries came very close to a military confrontation as recently as in 2014, when Chinese jets scrambled over the South China Sea. Japan is also disturbed by the militaristic attitude of the Chinese, in relation to the Senkaku islands which are under Japanese control, which the Chinese are claiming.
- India has already been the victim of Chinese military adventurism in 1962, when China invaded Northern India, and then later withdrew unilaterally. Since then India has made rapid strides both economically and militarily and is now in a better position to deal with China.
Thus, there is a commonality of perception of China as being a domineering and an expansionistic military superpower. It is up to the US and to the other vulnerable countries to take a lead role in the campaign to contain China.
Source: Defence News