The manufacturing sector has pivotal role in facilitating investment in the state, employment generation and employ-ability enhancement and adherence to high quality standards resulting in social and economic development of the State. The overall growth rate of manufacturing sector in India is below its potential, the Central Govt. has laid emphasis on the growth of manufacturing sector, along which Gujarat Govt. has introduced this scheme.
- For enabling basic infrastructure facilities like development of internal roads, water distribution facilities, sewage collection and treatment, power distribution, communication facilities and other services as may be required.
Period of Operation:
The scheme will remain in operation for period of 5 years from 2015 to 2020.
Eligible Units:
- Any Industry, Industrial Association or Institution registered under the Societies Act or Companies Act.
- Any Industrial Park having minimum 25 Industrial units.
Benefits will be provided in the form of incentives by Govt.:
- Industrial Park will be provided incentive of 50% of total expenditure on project excluding the land cost, limited to Rs. 20 Crores for core infrastructure developed within the park.
- Exemption on payment of Stamp Duty and registration charge on purchase of land required for the projected will be provided to Industrial Park developer and to the first purchaser of industrial unit.
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