Government of Goa has come up with a new scheme to provide cash incentive for purchase of School Uniform/Text Books/Furniture for girl students studying in Std.I to Std.XII
The objective of the scheme is to improve the educational status of Girl Students and to curb the tendency of drop out for such girl children from school enrollment, by providing them with financial assistance, to meet the requirements for purchase of text books and school uniform and provide them suitable infrastructure to learn at their residence.
For the purpose of receipt of assistance under the scheme the following conditions shall apply-
- The girl child should be a bonafide resident of the State of Goa.
- The girl child should be a regular student of an Institution.
- The girl child will not be eligible to receive financial assistance/scholarship from any other scheme of the Govt. / Departments of the Govt. (including those schemes of Central Govt.) for the purpose/entitlement enlisted in this scheme
- The girl child shall not be eligible to receive the said financial assistance under this scheme twice in the same standard / or if detained in the same standard.
The Girl Child will be paid financial assistance as follows-
- I to XII – A Girl Child shall be provided a cash incentive of Rs.1000/- for the purpose of purchase of school uniform (Two sets) and Text books.
- V to XII – A Girl Child shall be provided a cash incentive of Rs.1000/- for the purpose of purchase of a chair, a table and a table lamp.
How to apply:
The Principal / Headmaster /Headmistress of the School / Institution concerned shall submit the list of girl child students of their respective School / Institution to the Directorate of Education, Porvorim, by 10th May of each calendar year along with a copy of the application form, before the commencement of the Academic year. In case of girl students entering / admitted to Std. XI, the applications shall be received by 30th June of each calendar year.
Area of operation:
In the State of Goa.
For More Info: Click here