The Government of India has announced the stimulus package of Rs. 900 crore for the Mission COVID Suraksha, the Indian Covid-19 Vaccine Development Mission, which will help the development process of the vaccine candidates.
‘Mission COVID Suraksha- the Indian COVID-19 Vaccine Development Mission’, was announced as part of the third stimulus package, AtmanirbharBharat3.0, for promoting research and development of Indian COVID-19 vaccines. Apart from this ,Mission COVID Suraksha is being led by the Department of Biotechnology (DBT). It is being implemented by Biotechnology Industry Research Assistance Council (BIRAC), a Public Sector Undertaking (PSU) of DBT, at a total cost of Rs. 900 Cr. for 12 months. It is a development program for Indian candidates and researchers working on COVID 19 vaccine. Under this mission, the Government would facilitate the clinical development, manufacturing and licensing of Indian vaccines to curb the virus attack.
Detail Information
- The Government of India has sanctioned Rs.900 crores for the Phase I of the Mission COVID Suraksha, for a period of 12 months
- This mission will accelerate the development of approximately 5-6 vaccines for coronavirus. However, a total of 10 vaccine candidates have been supported by DBT till now
- Complete focus on the preclinical and clinical development of the vaccine is to be taken care of, for quick release and to restrict any further spread of the Novel coronavirus in the country
- With an end-to-end focus from preclinical development through clinical development and manufacturing and regulatory facilitation for deployment, would consolidate all available and funded resources towards an accelerated product development
- The grant for Research and Development (R&D) of the Indian COVID-19 vaccine will be provided by the Department of Biotechnology (DBT)
- It will be implemented by a dedicated Mission Implementation Unit at the Biotechnology Industry Research Assistance Council (BIRAC)
Moreover, Development of an indigenous, affordable and accessible vaccine to curb the spread of the coronavirus is one of the biggest targets which the Government of the country aims to achieve. The success of this mission will complement the Indian aspiration of Atmanirbhar Bharat Abhiyan.
Objectives of Mission COVID Suraksha
The main objectives of this mission include:
- Funding the candidate vaccines with their testing, manufacturing, licensing, and distribution in the market
- Establishing clinical trial sites, strengthening the existing laboratories, and assisting with the internal and external quality management system
- Supporting the development of common harmonized protocols, training, data management systems, and regulatory submissions
- Capabilities for process development, cell line development and manufacturing of GMP batches for animal toxicology studies and clinical trials will also be supported under the Mission
The development of a suitable Target Product Profile is another key element of the mission. This will ensure that the vaccines being introduced through the mission have preferred characteristics applicable to India
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