- I-T Dept publishes list of 31 big tax defaulters.
- This is the second such list released by the department within one month. The earlier list had names of 18 entities who owe over Rs 500 crore in tax to the exchequer.
- The initiative, according to a senior tax official is aimed at publicising and putting these names in public domain so that the common man can come forward to help the department in knowing the whereabouts of these.
- Government’s efforts to improve revenue collection include, surveys for identification of potential tax evaders, gathering information from various sources, regular scrutiny, audit, joining global efforts to combat cross-border tax evasion and tax fraud and to promote international tax compliance.
- Some of the big defaulters of income tax/corporate tax in the list are: Hyderabad-based Totem Infrastructure (401.64 crore), Pune-based Patheja Bros Forging & Auto Parts Mfg Co (Rs 224.05 crore), Hyderabad-based Royal Fabrics (Rs 158.94 crore); and Mumbai-based Home Trade (Rs 72.18 crore).