Rajasthan Government has launched a Scheme for Supporting MSME in Electronic Sector to promote manufacturing in the country, built quality into Indian manufacturing and to encourage exports.
The scheme aims at providing financial support as Grant in Aid (GIA) to benefit the manufacturers, domestic industry and exporters in the electronics sector. The scheme will provide GIA for the following activities:
- Reimbursement of expenses relating to compliance of electronic goods with Indian Standards.
- Reimbursement of expenses for testing and certification required for export.
- Development of Electronic Manufacturing Clusters.
- All the Micro, Small and Medium registered under MSME development act are eligible for GIA under (1) and (2) activities mentioned as above in the Objective section.
- The GIA under activity (3) mentioned as above in the Objective section, will be provided to the local industry association or State Govt. Agency or Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) for the purpose.
Benefits will be provided as incentives under following activities:
- Reimbursement of expenses relating to compliance of electronic goods with Indian Standards :
- Maximum reimbursement amount of Rs. 75,000 for reimbursement of actual testing charges subject to the testing charges incurred for getting the product tested at STQC labs as per prevailing rates.
- Maximum reimbursement amount of Rs. 25,000 for reimbursement of actual test charges received by BIS for registration.
- The grant would be given to a manufacturer for maximum of five models.
- Reimbursement of expenses for testing and certification required for export.
- Maximum reimbursement amount of Rs. 75,000 for reimbursement of actual testing charges subject to the testing charges incurred for getting the product tested at STQC labs as per prevailing rates.
- Reimbursement of 25% charges towards the annual certification fee paid to any certification body per model, subject to:
- 50,000 maximum for one model
- Two Certifications maximum
- Each model would qualify only once under the scheme.
- Development of Electronic Manufacturing Clusters.
- For a diagnostic study of each cluster Rs. 2.5 Lakhs per cluster will be provided to the Greenfield EMCs and Brownfield EMCs.
- Of India grant for the soft interventions @75% (Max. 2.5 Lakhs per cluster) of the sanctioned amount of the project cost in DPR.
- For DPR- Rs. 5 Lakhs per cluster (max.)
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