Department of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Services, Goa Government, desires to provide credit facilities to the farmers at subsidized rate of interest to accelerate investment in agriculture and allied sectors in the State through this scheme.
- To promote investment in agriculture and related activities.
- To provide loans to farmers and fishermen at subsidized rate of interest.
- To avoid exploitation of poor and protect them from discriminatory practices of lending.
- Institutions entitled to extend loan under this scheme are-Nationalized Banks,Scheduled Commercial Banks, Goa State Co-operative Bank and Primary Agricultural Co-operatives.
- All bonafide agriculturists, individuals under animal husbandry sector and fisheries sector with or without Kisan Credit Cards from the State of Goa can apply for loan.
- Loans for purposes like establishment of infrastructure and production activities
- Short, medium and long time loans
- Loans are allowed upto a cumulative amount of Rs. 5.00 lakhs for the interest subsidy Scheme.
- Rate of interest applicable to the farmers will be 4%
How to Apply
- Farmers under Agriculture and Animal Husbandry &Veterinary Services shall directly approach banks with requisite documentation. Banks will sanction loans as per usual norms including approved scales of finance.
- In case of loans for Fisheries, applicants will apply through the nearest office of Directorate of Fisheries
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