Ministry of Minority Affairs, GoI, to contain the declining number of Parsi Zoroastrian community, launched a scheme for Parsi Community “Jiyo Parsi”.
- To contain the declining number of people in Parsi community.
- To stabilise their population and increase their share in the Indian population.
- It is meant for minority community- Parsis only.
- Parsis couples of childbearing age.
- Adults/ young men/ women/ Adolescent girls/ boys have diseases resulting in infertility.
- Medical Assistance– Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART), IVF, ICSI subject to maximum cost of Rs. 5 Lakhs to deal with fertility issues.
- Medical counselling-to family members, boys/ girls of marriageable age.
Nodal Agency
This scheme will be implemented by Parzor Foundation with the help of Bombay Parsi Panchayat(BPP).
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