The Tamil Nadu Government has recently rolled out Teach at Home (TAH) scheme for differently-abled children of the state. Through this scheme, the government aims to provide both education and special services for the differently-abled children at their place of residence. The primary and tangible objective of the initiative is to ensure that children having an intellectual disability, physical disability, cerebral palsy, and multiple disabilities that require an extensive support system can access the benefit of education at their home. An outlay of Rs 7.8 crore has been allocated for the initiative.
Highlights of the scheme:
- Financial aid of Rs 10,000 will be provided to each differently-abled student.
- Along with education, physiotherapy sessions/treatment will be provided. So that they can get the best medical treatment for their physical condition.
- Trained therapists and special educators, appointed by the government will visit the beneficiaries’ houses to impart education and train them for better physical mobility.
Differently-abled children who are 18 years and less can apply for the scheme.
Details about the scheme are yet to be published. For the latest development regarding the scheme visit