Objectives of the study:
- To bridge the gap between the irrigation potential created and utilized
- To improve the water use efficiency in canal irrigated areas
- To ensure equity distribution of irrigation water from head reach to tail end
- To ensure Participatory Irrigation Management
- To reduce the wastage of water
- To adopt best possible cropping pattern.
Work conducted under the scheme:
- Construction of field channels
- Construction of Field drains
- Rotational Water Supply Works
- Correction of System Deficiencies
- Formation of Farmers’ Associations at sluice level, farmers’ council at distributory level and farmers’ federation at project level.
Benefits provided under the scheme:
- Field Channel works @ 15000/- per ha. are executed with 50% contribution from Government of India, 40% contribution from State & 10% from beneficiary farmers.
- Field drain works @ 4000/- per ha. are executed with equal contribution (50:50) from Central and State Governments.
- Rotational Water Supply works @ 300/- per ha. are executed from 100% State Fund
- Correction of System Deficiency works @ 6000/- per ha. are executed with equal contribution (50:50) from Central and State Governments.
- Financial assistance is provided in the form of one time functional grant to registered farmers councils at ` 1000/- per ha. (State Government share of ` 450/- Central Government share of 450/- and Farmers council share of 100/- ).
Who are eligible ?
All the farmers whose lands are covered in the selected Command Area.
Source: www.tn.gov.in