The Directorate of Industrial Training, Government of West Bengal has launched Skill Development Initiative Scheme based on Modular Employable Skill. It allows skill upgradation, multi-tasking, multi-entry and exit, and vertical mobility and lifelong learning opportunities in a flexible manner.
The objective of the scheme is to provide vocational training to school leavers , existing workers, ITI graduates etc. to improve their employability by optimally utilizing the infrastructure available in Government , Private Institution and the Industry. Existing skills of the persons can also be tested and certified under this scheme.
Target Beneficiaries and Eligibility:
- Workers and ITI graduates seeking skill upgradation
- Early School drop-outs and unemployed
- Previously Child labour and their families
- The minimum age of person should be 14 years
- Person should be minimum 5th grade pass
Fees and Benefits:
- 500 per module for modules having duration upto 90 hours
- 1000 per module for modules having duration from 91 to 180 hrs
- 1500 per module for modules having duration from 181 to 270 hrs
- 2000 per module for modules having duration more than 270 hrs
- Candidates belonging to SC/ST category and women will be given relaxation of 25% in fee.
- Training fees of all those trainees who successfully complete the training would be refunded to them.
- The assessment fee will be reimbursed to all the successful persons whohave received training from approved VTPs.
For More Info: Click Here