Government of Goa has come up with a new scheme to educate children of special needs.
The main objective of this scheme was to improve the educational opportunities to the children with special needs by way of providing financial assistance. This scheme was formulated to make children with disabilities independent so that they do not be a liability to the family.
Only children with Special Needs are eligible and are benefitted with financial assistance from regular as well as special schools under the Scheme.
Under the Scheme children with Special Needs are benefitted with financial assistance for:
- Grant for books / stationary per annum Rs.500/-
- Fixed amount for Uniform per annum. Rs.800/-
- Travelling Allowance per month. Rs.200/-
- Escort Allowance of Rs.200/- per month (subject to attendance of 60% in the month)
- Assistance to institutions is Rs.300/- per child per month for more than 60% attendance and Rs.200/- per month for less than 60% but more than 45% attendance.
- Actual expenses on equipment required for facilitating the child’s education upto a maximum of Rs.5000/- once in 3 years (to be given in the first year). Cheques are issued in the name of the schools. (now by ECS mode)
How to apply:
An application form (enclosing Disability Certificate issued by the registered Doctor’s of the nature of disability) is to be filled in by the parent/guardian of the child with special needs and the Head of the institution/school after verification sends the application to the Directorate of Education for timely disposal of the same.
For More Info: Click here