Under the government of Karnataka, State health Minister Dr. K Sudhakar in the anticipation of the third wave has launched their flagship program ‘Arogya Nandana’ on 17th august 2021. Through this scheme, the government seeks to monitor the health of children so that they can take precautionary steps to boost immunity among children before the third wave hits in. The scheme has been jointly launched with the Health and the Women& Child Development Department. The project has already been implemented in Haveri and Udupi districts and will be extended to the whole state within one week.
Highlight of the scheme:
- 5 crore children will be screened and tested.
- The screening is expected to cover 4 areas -defected birth, deficiencies, diseases, and developmental delay or deformity (4Ds).
- Primacy will be given to children with less immunity power and having other comorbidities, and nutritious food and supplements will be distributed according to boost immunity.
- The venue for screening and check-up will be decided by the district/taluk health officers and will be announced through informal modes (public announcement system) prior to the date of screening.
- A logbook will be maintained so that detailed monitoring of children’s health is possible esp those with immunocompromised and immunodeficiency conditions.
- Parents of children with higher comorbidities will be vaccinated on a priority basis.
- A “Team on Wheels” will be formed at the village/ward level comprising of8-9 persons (2 doctors, 1 pharmacist, 1 ophthalmologist, 1 assistant for eye screening, 1 medical officer from PHC, 1 postgraduate pediatrician, 1 MBBS student doctor, and 1 staff nurse), who will be conducting the medical check-up of children.
All the children of the state are eligible under this program.
Where to apply?
One doesn’t have to apply for the scheme offline or online in a formal way. Since, ASHA workers and Anganwadi teachers collate information on children in each village, therefore just ensure that the name of the child is enlisted with them. One can do so by inquiring about the same from the ASHA workers.