Government is looking to provide LED bulbs at Rs 44, which is much lower than current retail price of around Rs 300, under its DELP scheme to discourage use of inefficient incandescent bulbs, said Power Minister Piyush Goyal.
Lighting sector accounts for about 20 per cent of the total energy consumption in India.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched the LED-based home and street lighting programme on January 5 this year, describing the LED bulb as “prakash path” (way to light).
If all the 77 crore incandescent bulbs sold in India for domestic (household) lighting are converted to LEDs, 25 billion KWh (units) of energy can be saved every year.
The DELP initiative aims to replace domestic incandescent and CFL bulbs with LED lights. It will help saving 105 billion KWh (units) energy, thus reducing consumer bills by Rs 40,000 crore.
The Street Light National Programme (SLNP) targets to replace 3.5 crore street lights, manifesting in 9,000 million KWh energy savings and 1,500 MW reduction of installed street light load.
Source: ET