India over the years has accumulated a name in pharma industry around the world and it is one of the biggest exporter of generic medicines to the third world countries including African and South American countries. Generic medicines are reasonably cheaper than branded ones and thus given the prevalent poor population without access to healthcare, this central government sponsored scheme is highly beneficial not only for the general population but also for the domestic pharma industry. With this objective, the government back in 2008 decided to launch a campaign named as Jan Ausadhi Campaign– a Jan Ausadhi Store will be opened in all 630 districts of the country and slowly will be extended to major towns and villages.
It provides an excellent opportunity for the diploma and graduate holders in pharmaceuticals. A simple selection criteria has been prescribed to select the individuals, NGOs, and private companies.
- Individual applicants other than doctors and registered medical practitioners, should mandatorily be persons having B. Pharma and D. Pharma Degrees.
- Any organization applying for a JAS will have to employ B. Pharma / D. Pharma degree holders and produce proof of the same at the time of submitting applications.
- In govt hospital premises including medical colleges, the preferred agency would be reputed NGOs/Charitable organizations but individuals would also be eligible.
- Operating agency will be provided 20% margin on MRP (Excluding taxes) of each drug.
- JAS run by private entrepreneurs / pharmacists / NGOs / NGOs & Charitable organizations that are linked with BPPI headquarters through internet (using BPPI provided software) will get incentive upto 1.5 lakhs.
Application Process of opening a new Jan Ausadhi Store:
- Application on prescribed format duly filled along with demand draft for Rs. 2000.
- Own space or hired space (Minimum 120 sq feet) duly supported by proper lease agreement or space allotment letter. Applicant will arrange the space for running the Jan Aushadhi Generic Drug Store & BPPI will have no role for arranging space.
- Proof of securing a pharmacist with name, Registration with the State Council etc. (or it can be submitted at the time of final approval of JAS).
For more information, Click Here.