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Seed Village Scheme


Despite implementation of the organized seed programme since the mid 60s, the seed replacement rate has only reached the level of 15% 85% of the seeds used are farm saved. It is, therefore, necessary to improve the stock of farm saved seeds for enhancing crop production/productivity. For this, seed production, seed distribution and other connected aspects will have to be improved and strengthened at the farmers’ level. To upgrade the quality of farmer-saved seed which is about 80-85% of the total seed used for crop production programme, it is proposed to provide financial assistance for distribution of foundation/certified seed at 50% cost of the seed of crops for production of certified /quality seeds only and to provide training on seed production and technology to the farmers.

The seed produced in these seed villages will have to be preserved/stored till the next sowing season. In order to encourage farmers to develop storage capacity of appropriate quality, assistance will be given to farmers for making/procuring of Pusa Bin/Mud bin/Bin made from paper pulp for storing of seed produced by the farmers on their farms.

Implementing Agencies :

The implementing agencies will be State Departments of Agriculture, State Agriculture Universities, Krishi Vigyan Kendras, State Seeds Corporation, National Seeds Corporation, State Farms Corporation of India (SFCI), State Seeds Certification Agencies, Department of Seed Certification. One implementing agency will be identified for the area/locality and is to be authorized by the State Government.

Approach :

  • State Government and the implementing agencies will have to identify the areas of better seeds production and a compact area approach needs to be followed under this programme. Suitable responding/willing minimum 50 farmers for same crop will be identified/selected preferably in compact area/cluster approach in consultation with the concerned State Department of Agriculture by the implementing agencies. The number of farmers may be more than 50 also subject to a maximum of 150.
  • State Government will ensure that the project areas of different implementing agencies are clearly and separately remarkable. It should also be ensured that the areas under similar programmes that are being run by the State Government (if any) are not mixed up with the project areas under this scheme to avoid duplication and any misappropriation of funds.
  • Some of the implementing agencies like Seeds Corporations may be involved in the commercial seed production and it is expected that they will not utilize funds under this scheme under their normal commercial seed growers programme. A certificate to this effect is necessary to be given in the initial proposal in the prescribed proforma.
  • The crop varieties normally grown in the seeds villages will be decided in consultation with the farmers preferably the same crop for all the farmers.
  • The project area should receive the assistance for a maxim um period of two years so that the identified farmers become aware of the seed production technology and after the project period of two years they are able to independently take up the seed production programme in their normal activities. After the project period of two years for a particular area if the implementing agency wants to continue with the program me new compact areas may be identified and taken up.

Supply of Seeds :

The concerned implementing agencies will distribute the foundation/certified seeds at 50% cost to the already identified farmers. The seeds for half an acre per farmer will be allowed.

Training :

The concerned implementing agencies distributing foundation/certified seed will be provide the training on seed production and seed technology to farmers for the seed crops grown in the seed villages. The duration of the training would be three days out of which the first one day training will be given to farmers at the time of sowing of seed crop.  During this training seed production technique, isolation distance, sowing practices, other agronomic practices to be followed for the given crop will be taught to the farmers. The second one-day training will be organized during flower initiations stage of the seed crop. The seed growing farmers will be trained to identify off types, rogues and its removal of these plants from the seed plots and to maintain the quality of seed production and other agronomic practices, plant protection measures and harvesting methods to be followed by the farmers. The third day training will be organized/provided after harvest and at the time of seed processing to impart knowledge on seed cleaning, seed grading, seed treating, seed storage, seed packaging aspects, how to draw the representative seed sample, send the seed sample for seed testing/local seed testing method to assess the seed germination.

Statement of expenditure of training of farmers on seed production training :

S. No. Items Amount (in Rs.)
1.         For 50 participants one Lunch and tea, biscuits twice a day for 3 days @ Rs.50/-per day per participant (50x3x50) 7500
2.         Stationery/publicity material @ Rs.10 per participant to be supplied in local languages (500×3) 1500
3.         Lump sum management charges for implementing agency 4500
4.         Honorarium to resource person @ Rs.300/- per day for 3 days 900
5.         Other contingency charges 600
  Total 15,000

If the implementing agency feels that farmers are showing more interest they can form self-help-group (SHG) and take the assistance for setting up of seed processing unit under 25% back ended credit linked subsidy scheme.

Supply of Storage Bin :

  • Assistance @ 33% subject to a maximum of Rs.3000/- for SC/ST farmers and @ 25% subject to maximum of Rs.2000 for other farmers for procuring seeds storage bin of 20 qtl. capacity.
  • Assistance @ 33% subject to maximum of Rs.1500/- to SC/ST farmers and @ 25% subject to maximum of Rs.1000/- for other farmers for making seeds storage bin of 10 qtl. capacity in the seed villages where seed village scheme is being implemented.
  • No beneficiary should be provided 2 storage bins and assistance would be limited to only one storage bin as per demand from the beneficiary. The funds will be released to the implementing agencies for releasing the assistance proposed to the farmers for procurement of the storage bins.

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